
GraphQL Query Options

  Intro This page will walk you through a series of GraphQL queries, each designed to demonstrate a particular feature of GraphQL. These examples will work on the  real  schema used on  graphql-reference example . You can run this example locally to experiment and poke around the innards of the site! To get to the GraphiQL editor, go to  localhost:8000/___graphql  (that’s three underscores). You can also open the  CodeSandbox version  of the example site. For more background information, read about  why Gatsby uses GraphQL  and  how to use GraphiQL  in any Gatsby site. Basic queries Example: Site metadata Start with the basics, pulling up the site  title  from your  gatsby-config.js ’s  siteMetadata . Copy copy code to clipboard { site { siteMetadata { title } } } In the GraphiQL editor, try editing the query to include the  description  from  siteMetadata . When typing in th...